Minimum Labor Consultancy

Minimum Labor Consultancy The minimum labor practice is one of the methods applied by the Social Security Institution in struggling against unregistered employment. If there is a difference between the labor amount actually reported by the employer and determined by the SSI in the minimum labor inspections and researches conducted by the SSI, after the premium calculated over the labor amount is collected from the employer the difference is based on the warranty return for the works subject to the tender and a “clearance letter” is given based on obtaining an occupancy permit in building constructions. Consultancy services are provided during the period of minimum labor notification, unemployment certificate and minimum labor reconciliation and objection in tender and construction works. In works related to construction and other workplaces, in the minimum labor researches conducted by the Social Security Institution Managements and in the minimum labor examinations made by the inspectors, we provide our employers services given below; workplace registration, sub-employer relations, clearance certificate, determining the minimum labor rate, objection to labor rate and resorting to the judgement, preparing workplace rolls to be analyzed, supervising the employer during the inspection if required and watching the inspection process to the end, technical consultancy for preventing our employers to default on a loan against constantly changing legislation and preventing irreparable loss of earnings.